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Home » 2024 Davis Double Century Worker’s Ride

2024 Davis Double Century Worker’s Ride


Ride day (tentative): Saturday, May 11, 2024

  • Departing from the Veterans Memorial Center (intersection of 14th and B Streets) at 5:15 a.m.  START LOCATION/TIME MAY CHANGE!
  • Return to the start (rough estimate) 8:15p
  • Audax-style (group) riding

This ride covers the entire Davis Double course, departing from the Veterans Memorial Center at 14th and B Streets in Davis at 5:15 a.m.  Sag support and basic rest stop food (fruit, water, soda, basic tools, etc.) will be provided, but riders should be prepared to be able to fix flats and make minor repairs to their bicycles themselves, since we will have limited vehicle support. Traditional lunch stop is the McDonald’s in Lower Lake, but riders are free to pick their own place to stop (or not).

We will ride at a brisk, steady pace, with stops to keep the group together. Almost everyone finishes in about 15 hours.

The Worker’s Ride counts toward California Triple Crown credit, subject to the same rules as the regular CTC rides. You must finish the entire course under your own power in order to be an official finisher.

The Workers Ride is not recommended for inexperienced endurance riders. All participants should have some experience riding distances greater than 100 miles.

The Workers Ride needs 1-2 sag drivers! Please contact Eric Norris (sign-up link below) if you can help the riders by driving a sag vehicle.

To Qualify

The Davis Double Worker’s Ride is open to all riders in exchange for volunteering to work at a rest stop or some other out-of-town assignment. (Volunteering positions which qualify people for the Workers Ride are noted with an Asterisk on Signup Genius.)

To Sign up for the Workers Ride

If you have any questions or intend to do the Workers Ride, contact Ride Leader Eric Norris.