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Organize a Mini Tour

For those of you who wish that the club had more tours to offer, you can help arrange mini tours. Mark and Maria Tebbutt, Vera Delgado, Kathy Ormiston, John Forsyth and Bill Clarke enjoyed a 48-hour (over 3 days) mini tour to Pacific Grove (Monterrey and Carmel).  EZ accommodation arrangements which include breakfast at the… Read More »Organize a Mini Tour

4th of July Criterium 2013

Race Team News – May 2024

from Race Team directors Heidi Verbeek and Ray Spore The Golden State Race Series will take place in Rancho Cordova on May 4-6 – 3 days of racing, time trial, criterium and circuit. DBC is also represented in the Prairie City Mountainbike series which are still going. We also have a few riders from the UCD… Read More »Race Team News – May 2024

Report Hazardous Road Conditions

Have you ridden by a huge pothole or other road hazard and wondering how to report it to the for repair? Here is a handy link from Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates that shows how to report hazardous road conditions to the appropriate city or county agency (Davis, Yolo, Solano, etc.) Some you can even report… Read More »Report Hazardous Road Conditions

Paceline Riding Tips

Rides often organize into a paceline to save considerable effort when you are in the draft of the riders in front of you. The lead in a paceline will use 30% more power than the riders behind at about 20-25 mph. Usually the faster / longer version of the club rides will ride in a… Read More »Paceline Riding Tips

On a sad note…

Our dear friend, riding companion and many time club tour organizer, Bruce Dewey, passed away this past week from an injury he sustained while cycling three weeks ago. Please be respectful and allow the Dewey family some space as they grieve from this unanticipated loss. There will be a memorial service on Tuesday, March 26… Read More »On a sad note…

Hookless Rims and Tire Failures

Prompted by Thomas De Gendt’s mysterious crash during Stage 5 of the UAE Tour in Abu Dhabi, Rene Herse Cycles added a blog post, discussing the potential factors involved in using hookless rim design, tire size selection, supple tire sidewalls, and using them under high temperature conditions (Abu Dhabi) Thy conclude hookless rims and tires… Read More »Hookless Rims and Tire Failures

Gear Up for Bike Racing

On July 4th each year, packs of super-fast bicycles speed through downtown streets in the Davis Criterium. Hear how road racing got its start in 1868 in Paris to become a global sport that draws millions of spectators around the world. Heidi Verbeeck and Ray Spore, race team directors for the Davis Bike Club, tell… Read More »Gear Up for Bike Racing

Riding in Wet Weather

Here is a link to a great post by the Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates on riding in wet weather. If you are riding when it’s wet, take a look and stay safe