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Davis Double Century 2024 FAQs

When can I pick up my registration packet?

Pre-registration materials will be available the night before and the day of the ride. You may pick up your registration packet between 5pm and 9pm on Friday, May 17 at the Davis Veterans Memorial Center at 203 E. 14th Street in Davis, and again between 4am and 6am Saturday morning, May 18.

We will also accept day of registration, at a higher price. (We strongly encourage preregistration so that we can accurately predict how much food we will need.)

When do I start the ride?

The Davis Double Century has an open start; you can start whenever you like. We recommend riders start between 4:00 and 5:00 am with everyone on the road by 6am. BUT… Please take note of open/close times of rest stops. If you wish to have food and water available, you should target your start time for the rest stop operating hours and your riding speed (slower riders should leave earlier, faster riders may leave later). Only very fast riders should leave after 5am!

Will I need lights?

We strongly recommend that all riders carry head and tail lights. Sunrise will be at 5:50 am and sunset at 8:17 pm, giving you 14 hours and 27 minutes of daylight …plus an extra hour with civil twilight. But unexpected delays happen such as flats and mechanical problems. You don’t want to be on course at night without lights as there are no streetlights on rural highways and country roads, and it will be a moonless night! It will be very dark out there! DO NOT SAG YOUR LIGHTS.

What are the open/close times for the rest stops?

The rest stop hours are set based on rider speeds between 10 to 18 mph total time for the course. This is equivalent to riding 11 to 20 mph with 1-2 hours of total time at the rest stops.

Rest Stop Hours of Operation
Davis VMC start 4:00am to 5:00am (to 6:00am for very strong riders only)
Putah Creek
6:00am to 8:00am
8:30am to 10:30am
Middletown 10:30am to 1:30pm
Lunch, Lower Lake (Russell Rustici Park) 11:30 to 3:30 lunch
Resurrection 12:30pm to 5:30pm
Guinda F.S. 2:00pm to 8:00pm
Forbes Ranch
3:00pm to 10:00pm
Davis VMC finish to midnight

Will drop bags be available?

Yes, drop bags service will be available.

  1. You will be allowed to leave a drop bag at the Start/Finish to be SAG’d to either Guinda (RS#6) or Forbes (RS#7).
  2. You will also be allowed to SAG drop bags at Rest Stops 1 and 2. These bags will be returned to the Start/Finish.
  3. You will not be allowed to SAG bags forward on the course as this proved logistically too complicated last year.
  4. Remember to put your name on your bag so that we can get your stuff back to you. You will be limited to non-critical items, NO WALLETS or CAR KEYS!

Do I need to check in at the Rest Stops?

Please check in at rest stops #1, #4, #6 and the S/F will have rider check in lists. This is for YOUR safety. If you choose not to stop at a rest stop, no problem. But we assume that everyone will stop at lunch. Please remember to check in there.

Is there discounted lodging available in Davis?

The Davis Double Century is always on the 3rd Saturday in May. Unfortunately, the UC Davis School of Law holds their commencement on the same day. As a result, none of the local hotels offer DDC riders a discount rate as rooms are likely to sell out.

Why did you change the course in 2022?

We wanted to bring the Davis Double Century into alignment with other double centuries and nine rest stops and a water stop were just too many. So, we eliminated two rest stops and the water stop. This obliged us to modify the course so the rest stops would be evenly spaced. We can’t put a rest stop just anywhere alongside the road. You’ll have a little less time in the valley and a little more time in the hills, but still 500 feet less climbing, mostly better road surfaces, and some great views of Lake Berryessa. Please be aware that rest stops 1 and 2 are new and rest stops 3 and 4 have moved. but are still very close to their previous locations.

What are the road conditions like?

The back roads of Yolo, Napa and Lake Counties are mostly acceptable to good. But there are some sections that are a bit rough and there is a 4-mile section of hard packed gravel which is rideable with a road bike even with 700×23 tires. (The DDC director has done it several times; it’s best ridden a bit slower.) This part comes just after Middletown, Rest Stop #3.

Most of the course is on rural roads with little to no shoulder but very little traffic. Where there is traffic, there are good shoulders. Please share the road with the drivers and ride single file as much as reasonable. Generally if you are considerate to the drivers, they will return the favor.