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Home » Easy Rides Under 25 miles

Easy Rides Under 25 miles

A compilation of shorter rides in the Davis area.

Russell Bike Path (Terri Richardson and Paul Meredith)

Here are some ride ideas for beginning cyclists, or for anyone who has a only a limited amount of time to spend on a ride.  Or perhaps you’re looking for a short ‘recovery’ spin after that tough century that you did yesterday.

A couple of considerations:

  • Every ride has to start and end somewhere.  We tried to pick start/finish locations based on the logistics of the route.  Adjust your trip accordingly.
  • It is really difficult to create user-friendly cue sheets for rides that traverse bike paths. So we’ve routed most journeys through town and campus on roads.  In the city of Davis, most main roads have striped bike lanes or are otherwise bicycle-friendly. As you become familiar with the bike path system, adjust your route accordingly.
Exploring Davis

Please contact the Club Cartographer if you want to add a favorite ride to the library, if you find something that needs to be updated or corrected, or just have something nice to say.

Ride nameHighlightsStartRoute typeMilesTerrainRWGPS link
Davis Bike LoopDavis Greenbeltmanyloop12flatInfo
Bike Tour of Historic DavisLandmark buildings of Davis and the University; College Park; Avenue of the TreesCentral Parkloop10flatMap/Cue
Two Cemeteries and a UniversitySouth Davis; Tremont Cemetery; a bit of campus; Davis CemeteryCovell & Polelineloop17flatMap/Cue
Pedrick Farm Market LoopRussell Bike Path, Stevenson Bridge, Pedrick Farm Market, a bit of campusLake & Russellloop20flatMap/Cue
Davisville-Silveyville Pony ExpressThe Four S’s: Stevenson, Sievers, Schroeder, Silveyville; a bit of Pony Express historyLake & Russellloop24flatMap/Cue
Flying SoloLoop out to the Yolo County AirportLyndell Terraceloop16flatMap/Cue
Flying DoubleLoop around Yolo County and University Airports; Putah Creek Riparian ReserveLyndell Terraceloop21flatMap/Cue
The Birds and the Bees (aka Sheep Barn Loop)A spin around some of the Animal Science facilities of UCDLyndell Terraceloop10flatMap/Cue
Angry Elf Goes for Coffee in DixonFrom Peets on Covell to Solano Baking Co in Dixon; Davis-Dixon BikewayCovell & Sycamoreoutnback25flatMap/Cue
Landfill LoopPeetsCovell & Sycamoreloop15flatMap/Cue
Davis to Discovery ParkI-80 Causeway; West Sacramento; Tower Bridge; Old Sac; Discovery ParkMace P&Routnback25flatMap/Cue
Casual Ride to WIntersRussell Bike Path, Stevenson Bridge, Putah Creek RoadLake & Russelloutnback24flatMap/Cue
Backroads of WintersQuiet backroads south of WintersWintersloop23flatMap/Cue
Cache Creek Nature PreserveCache Creek Nature PreserveLyndell Terraceoutnback30flatMap/Cue

Disclaimer:  Bicycle riding comes with inherent risk.  All maps, rides and other documents listed here are for informational purposes only. The Davis Bicycle Club and the authors of any maps assume no liability for the information provided.  Research the local riding conditions before you embark on a ride.  Road conditions, weather conditions, and traffic densities vary constantly.