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Non-recurring Rides – General Information

 Information about rides offered on a one-time or occasional basis

In addition to weekly and monthly DBC rides, members often lead special rides that may only be offered once or occasionally throughout the year.  As with any other ride, check the Club Ride and Event Calendar, or contact the ride leader, to make sure the ride you plan to join will take place.

Most ride leaders will announce their non-recurring ride offerings on the DBC Listserv.  The Ride Calendar Coordinator can help you get your ride listed in the on-line calendar.

Leading a ride is one of the most rewarding ways you can volunteer your time for the DBC.

  • For suggestions about how to plan and lead a successful ride, go here.
  • If you have led a ride in the past couple of years, it is likely that its ride description is tucked away in the website archives.  It would be very easy to dust it off, update it, and get it on the calendar.