Tour policies for planners and participants in DBC tours
Tour Objectives

The Davis Bike Club offers its members opportunities to participate in bike tours which vary in length, location, cost, difficulty, type of accommodation, number of participants, and vehicle support. All tours are under the supervision of the Tour Director, who is also a member of the Board of Directors.
Tours routes and dates are chosen using a number of criteria, including attention to rider safety, ease of direction, comfort, scenic interest, and adequate road conditions. All tour participants are personally responsible for taking necessary safety precautions.
Tour Subsidy
Club tours are partially subsidized by funds that are generated by Club cycling events charging entry fees. Due to the volunteer labor donated by members, and after all expenses have been paid, surplus funds are made available to subsidize Club activities, including touring.
In recognition and appreciation for these volunteer efforts, members who have volunteered a minimum 8 hours on DBC projects/events in the preceding year are eligible to participate in Club tours. Any number of volunteer hours over the minimum does not necessarily result in higher qualification for a club tour.
Proposing a Club Tour

The February DBC Membership Meeting is devoted to formal tour announcements and invitations for sign-ups, but a member can suggest a tour to the Tour Director at any time. The tour proposal shall include the following:
- Dates and location
- Minimum and maximum number of participants,
- Ride difficulty designation (see below)
- Estimated costs and participant fee, including reservation deposit
- Deployment of vehicle support, if necessary
The Tour Director gives final approval for a proposed tour and oversees the preparations taken by a leader for approved tours.
Tour Rating Guide
Prospective tour participants need to make a critical self-assessment of their ability to successfully complete a particular tour being offered. To that end, Tour Leaders shall objectively rate the overall difficulty of their tour in accordance with the following Tour Rating Guide:
Average Daily Mileage
- A = 15 – 25 miles
- B = 25 – 40 miles
- C = 40 – 70 miles
- D = Over 70 miles

Elevation and Terrain
- 1 = Flat, with occasional grades no more than 3%. Suitable for family rides.
- 2 = Some rolling hills, but their rate of climb is less than 10% and not more than one mile long.
- 3 = A hilly tour designed for tourists who seek frequent and extended climbs and descents. Some climbs exceed 10% and total daily elevation is more than 3,000 feet.
- 4 = Tours attracting the devoted and well-conditioned cyclist, who is experienced in riding through multiple mountain passes.
Tour Leader Responsibility
Responsible and responsive leadership is vital to a successful Bike Tour. The fundamental role of a Tour Leader is promoting the tour, accepting qualified candidates and required deposits, and fulfilling all budgeting and reporting requirements.

All Club tours shall be administered with emphasis on the safety of the participants. Tour leaders shall take reasonable precautions and tour preparations that promote the safety and security of its riders. During a tour leaders will monitor riders’ attention to common safety precautions.
Rider Acceptance
Tour leaders shall make the determination of who shall participate in a tour, based on:
- Fulfillment of the minimum 8 hours of volunteer time,
- Cycling ability to complete the tour without assistance,
- Timeliness of sign-up and deposit.
Preference among qualified applicants shall be given to those who have not been accepted on a pending tour or who had not been on this tour in the past.
In instances where there are more qualified applicants than tour slots available, selection is made by random choice, with remaining applicants placed on a waiting list.
Tour candidates not accepted for a tour may appeal the decision to the Tour Director, whose decision is final.

Bakery Tour Club Kit, Bodega Bay 2010
Leaders are urged to host at least one pre-trip meeting so that participants can become acquainted, ask questions, and make suggestions.
The Tour Leader is responsible for detailing the route in advance, including providing maps, cue sheets, information of scenic and historical sites, and nearby bike shops. Unavoidable safety hazards are to be noted, both orally and on the written instructions. Leaders are urged to avail themselves of route mapping capabilities, using one of the Club’s Internet mapping sites.
Equipment and sag support

Leaders will support riders with basic equipment needs common to a group of cyclists. Examples include floor pump, popular size tires and tubes, and small-sized repair tools and parts. For self-supported tours, each rider must individually prepare for any equipment and repair needs. Sag support (for luggage and gear transport, primarily) is may be provided on longer, out-of-town tours.
Assuming a route has reliable cell phone service, all tour leaders and vehicle drivers must carry an active cell phone at all times during the tour, and publish those phone numbers on distributed maps. A Club cell phone is available for leaders and vehicle drivers who do not have one. Leaders shall encourage riders who have cell phones to carry them on each ride day. Prior to a tour, a leader will distribute a list of all tour participants’ phone numbers.
Expense Report
No later than two weeks after the completion of a tour, a ride leader must prepare a final expense report and present it to the Tour Director and all tour participants. Distributing the report by E-mail is recommended. The report should contain the following:
- Total income, (deposits, fees, club subsidy)
- Total cost of tour
- Trip surplus or loss (difference between the above)
Tour Participant Responsibility

Tour riders are expected to complete every ride day without assistance, with exceptions noted for serious mechanical breakdown, injury, or illness. Tour Leaders are required to measure the cycling ability of proposed participants to determine their qualifications. Tour candidates may be asked to provide tour leaders with information on past touring experience, riding and training schedule, and type of bike used as measures for tour acceptance.
Tour participants must equip themselves with equipment and clothing suitable for the rigors and climate of the chosen tour. Riders are responsible for basic skills in bike maintenance and repairs.
Group efforts for the common good and harmony are essential to a successful bike tour. Consistent with physical ability and experience, tour riders may be asked to volunteer to drive the sag vehicle, load/unload loading luggage, or other tasks that may arise during the tour.
When a participant signs up for a Club tour it is with the understanding that the Club assumes no responsibility for the security and protection of personal property during a tour. Riders are urged to bring bike locks to secure bikes when appropriate.
The Club carries liability insurance to protect leaders and tour participants from claims of liability.
- The deposit amount required to reserve a spot on the tour will be determined by the Tour Leader.
- Tour deposits (and any other payments) are non-refundable if participant/s cancel less than 30 days before the start of the tour. An exception (at the discretion of the Tour Leader) may be made if the canceling participant/s are able to secure similar replacement/s (e.g. single male; single female; couple) who could step into the already-arranged lodging/room-mate arrangements.
- There are no alterations to the cost of the tour. If a participant elects to start/leave a tour on a different date or to skip days, they will not receive a refund from the full cost of the tour.
- At the Tour Leader’s discretion, sag drivers and leaders may receive their trip at reduced or no cost.
- As mentioned elsewhere, tour participants must be members of the DBC and have volunteered a minimum of 8 hours of time on DBC events/activities in the preceding year.